Thursday, June 14, 2018

Trump's Food - Gluten Free Vegan Coconut Cupcakes

Trump’s Food.
Local brand from Vancouver Canada.
Gluten Free Vegan Coconut Cupcakes.

Umm did someone say Coconut.
Yes Coconut Cupcakes that are Gluten Free, Vegan/Dairy Free.

I’m obsessing.
Moist cupcakes that are gluten free are SO hard to find, and these are perfect. Great job at the coconut cake, it’s so freaking delicious. The coconut icing though is my favorite part, oh my goodness the bold and sweet coconut flavor is outta this world! I’m in love. Topped with shredded coconut adds more love.
Can I have a bucket of the icing though pretty pleaseee.
These are great for girls night.
Movies and cupcakes anyone?

So be sure to check out their website below to check out their products:


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