Sunday, December 21, 2014

Victoria's Secret Swimsuit Fashion Show? What?! In Puerto Rico?!

Hey Dolls.
Check out the newest news I just read on Elle Magazine's website.
Everyones favorite Fashion Show might be getting another edition and wont just be once a year.. it's rumored that they will be adding a Swimsuit Fashion Show soon.
They are said to have booked the hotel rooms and everything in the amazing Puerto Rico.
If this is all true then it's VERY exciting. Looking forward to seeing it!

Information (from
Big news from Angel headquarters: Victoria's Secret is reportedly eyeing Puerto Rico as its choice location for the Victoria’s Secret Swimsuit Fashion Show. Yep, you read that correctly, Swimsuit Fashion Show. What does this mean?! Will this swimsuit extravaganza replace the historic, lingerie-filled classic? Or (more likely) is this in addition to the VS show we've grown to know and love and try to transform our bodies to be a part of?

Details are still slim, but Fox News Latino reports that Victoria's Secret has already reserved 428 hotel rooms in Puerto Rico for the event. And the brand did ruffle Angel wings this year by moving the traditionally New York-based show to London, so it isn't inconceivable. But, if this is really happening, we have a lot of questions: Will the Angels wear waterproof wings? Model mermaid tails? Will there be a multi-million dollar Fantasy Triangle Top? And, most importantly, if Taylor Swift performs again, will we FINALLY see her bellybutton?

We have reached out to Victoria's Secret for comment and will update when we hear back.


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