Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Hey everyone.
So there is a tag going around on youtube and the tag is called "Holiday Edition" So i thought it would be fun to do the tag on my blog here.
So here are the Questions and Answers.
Have fun reading this blog and happy holidays everyone!


1) Which holiday do you celebrate?
I celebrate my Thanksgiving, my birthday Christmas and New years, in the December month.
Im very lucky i think to have my birthday in December, i LOVE celebrating it in the snowy winter time.

2) What are you doing for the holidays this year?
I Will be spending time with my family & friends.
Eating yummy food and opening presents ha.

3) What's your favorite holiday drink?
A white peppermint mocha or a gingerbread latte!

4) Candy cane or Gingerbread men?
Aww i have to choose between my 2 favorite holiday treats!
I love candy canes, i love to eat them while holiday shopping and everything and put some around the house to decorate and put some on the tree, but i also LOVE Gingerbread men too because they taste so yummy and smell INCREDIBLE!

And without one, it would not be the perfect christmas.So i really cannot choose between the 2 because both are what makes christmas, well christmas! =)

5) What's your favorite holiday/Christmas song?
I have always LOVED Mariah Carey's "All i want for Christmas is you"
It's such a perfect xmas song.
She is a great singer.
I also love the christmas song by Britney Spears "My only wish"
its a such a fun sweet song for the holidays!

6) What's the weirdest gift you've ever received?
Hmmm weirdest gift, ummm i honestly can't think of any weird gifts.

7) Have you ever made a snowman?
I love making snowmen.
We always get alot of snow here so its a MUST to make a snowman EVERY year with my family and friends!. <3

8) What is your favorite winter fragrance?
When i think of winter and the holidays i think of lovely scents like:
Candy Canes,
Apple Cinnamon
And the most lovely.. fresh home baking is amazing.

9) What is at the top of your list this Christmas? (or whichever holiday you celebrate!)
I really cant think of anything, maybe some new beauty products and decorations for the home, But mainly just to be having a great time with my family and friends. =)

10) What is most important to you about the holidays?
Spending time with the ones you love is a MUST.


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