Thursday, December 9, 2010

MOTTS FRUITSATIONS: Harvest Apple With Calcium

Hi guys!
I have really been addictied to these fruit cups by the amazing brand Motts Frustrations!
Its called:
Harvest Apple With a Calcium Supplement.
Its also unsweetened which is really nice!
Its doesn't have a million of ingredients which is super fabulous.
Its healthy and tastes good.. now thats excellent!
Some pictures i snapped of the fruit cups are below along with a full review:

My Review:
So i have tried MANY different Fruit Cups, Different Brands & Flavors. 
So have a VERY good idea of what's a good fruit cup is supposed to taste like.
Alot of fruit cups taste like their are way to many ingredients that really DONT need to be in it.
But that is definitaly NOT the case when it comes to this brand!
Their fruit cups are one of the very best that i have tried, they have very simple ingredients and they are not loaded with any bad ingredients which is amazing.
The Harvest Apple ones with Calcium have these for ingredients:
2 types of Calcium, Vitamin C, Apples , & Water.
5 Ingredients a excellent!
The taste is extraordinary! The Harvest Apple tastes delicious, its just like eating FRESH apples, its very light and there are no pieces of apples its just really yummy!
Also perfect for young children!
I have a few more flavors i have tried from them and LOVE them too!
They are the perfect snack for the afternoon or i love to have them when i just wake up!
These are a real favorite of mine.

Find them: At your local grocery store, they are mostly everywhere. I get them from Save On Foods.
Cost: around $1.50 - $3.00 for a package of 6 yummy cups.

I Give this product:
9.5 Out of 10

The Reason for the score:
I love this product, but i wish it was organic that would make it super incredible.

FTC Disclaimer:
I purchased all products listed in this post with my my own money, 
All opinions are my own.


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