Thursday, February 26, 2009

Well im up late, im sooooo super tired i'm only staying up longer cuz i'm listening to amazzzzzzzzing music by Myah Marie my fav singer ! She is FABULOUS! im so FREAKING tired but her music is keeping me awake lol but i should get to bed cuz then when i wake up im gonna blast her music so freakin...
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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sooo The Pussycat Dolls Have a new song Called "Jai Ho", actually it's not their song its originally AR Rahman's song for The HUGE MOVIE "Slumdog Millionaire" then the Pcd remade it into a english version, i personally love BOTH versions but like the pcd version more cuz i LOVE Nicole......
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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Hey Everyone! Welcome to my website/blog, Thanks for stopping by! Here is where you will find Beauty, Fashion, Food & Entertainment! So that's beauty and food product reviews, my favorite fashion finds and music, sports and more! I hope you all will love my posts and site. :) Keep in...
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